If you can dream it... we can create it

- Search for your car using the dropdowns below.
- Choose a part to customize and apply colors and materials using our tool.
- Add the customized part to your cart and continue shopping or place your order.
- Once we receive your order, it will be placed on hold and we will send you samples for your order within the next two business days so that we can verify your satisfaction with the materials.
- After you've received these samples, simply contact our sales department to get the order taken off hold so we can prepare it and ship it out.
Select Your Year And Model Select
At a legendary auto interiors we have been producing custom interior for over 30 years. Are you searching for truly unique and different?
Something that makes your interior personal and standout from everything and everyone else?
The design center has been created with the intention of providing a large variety of custom options to give the best possible buying experience while providing you the freedom to visualize, create and order your product from the convenience of your own computer or laptop.
With our in-house color matching, custom grain reproducing, precision overlay cutting and the addition of our EXCLUSIVE LegendImagery process, we are co-creating and making your vision an absolute reality!